Anxiety Relief
In today’s world, anxiety is the problem.
I can say with 100% confidence, I SOLVE THAT PROBLEM.
Sound to good to be true? If you have been riddled with anxiety for any amount of time in your life, then that is exactly what you may be thinking.
But here is something that you may not realize…
Along the way you learned how to be anxious. Thats right! You picked it up and actually learned how to experience that extreme debilitating discomfort.
But this is the good news! Because you can UNLEARN IT!
If you have been suffering from any of the following, this may be fore you:
Social Phobias
Anxiety during specific times of the day
Fears at work or with co-workers
Driving fears
Panic attacks
Fears while alone
Over - Isolation
Excessive drug alcohol use to cope
Fears of insects
11. Public Speaking
12. Anxieties while having serious conversations with loved ones
13. Anxieties around specific people such as your boss or in-laws
14. Anxiety leading to sleep deprivation
15. Inability to perform at work
16. Worrisome thoughts to the point that your life suffers as a result
I will be honest, working with anxiety riddled clients are my favorite. Why? Because removing them is so fast and easy that I still cant believe how effective it is to this day!
You may be asking… HOW?
Its simple!
I would imagine that there is an area in your life where you feel great. Rested, connected, at ease. Maybe it’s while you exercise. Or when you are with your best friend.
While in hypnosis, your mind and body are able to take the neuro - connections from that pleasurable experience, and literally ATTACH them to any area of your life!
And guys, I am living proof!
Imagine how your life will be when you can..
Deliver that presentation from a position of calm power and certainty
Be social without the crutches of pills, drugs, or alcohol
Feel better internally while driving or any area that used to cause distress
Walk into your bosses office feeling perfectly confident and “ok”.
Live without the incessant fear of random panic attacks
Feel connected and safe in any situation
Wake up and go to sleep feeling grounded and strong
It is far better to be anxious than dead. Forgive the bluntness of this statement, but it’s true.
Meaning, this anxiety that you are feeling is telling you DANGER! GET OUT!
If you were alone in the safari and there was a lion creeping around the corner, the anxiety you feel would be of benefit.
In all likelihood you would listen and act.
However in our modern world, 99.99% of the time you are not in a life threatening situation. This however doesn’t keep the body from acting in the same way!
Symptoms of anxiety include:
Increased heart rate
Overheating and profuse sweating
A “chocking” of the neck
Lightness or heaviness of the extremities
Lack of available air and heavy breathing
Extreme avoidance
Weak knees
Blurred vision
Increased blood flow and feelings of extreme discomfort
Feeling frozen
This may be due too…
Past traumas
Future Fears
Irrational and negative belief systems
Witnessing anxieties from a loved one and simply picking them up
Worrisome thoughts that simply aren’t true and have zero validity
Hypnosis is the most effective means of removing anxiety immediately
You deserve to feel good and live a fulfilling life…
Remember, a lion isn’t chasing you!
Have you ever been curious?
Guys, I’m going to share with you a juicy bit of information about one of the most effective and unknown cures to anxiety.
This ones for free ;-).
Most people think that bravery is the opposite of fear and anxiety. Or courage. Or strength.
Because Anxiety says “I dont want to know whats in there. There could be snakes in there, and I want know part of it”
But curiosity says “hmmmm… I wonder whats in there?”
Becoming curious about all your experiences may just be the secret for you and your best life. Just sayin ;-).
The hypnosis process will unlock your abilities to take back control of how you feel.
You are a partner in every step of this process as we work together to release what has been holding you back. You will learn powerful hypnotic strategies to turn old weaknesses into new strengths.