Improve Confidence
Hypnosis quickly, easily, and naturally takes your confidence to extremes heights!
Ready to leave behind those old deflating stories?
How have you been feeling? Are you…
Scared to be you
Constantly shying away from opportunities
Avoiding challenges leading to stagnation
Feeling small
Just imagine for me that all of those symptoms of your life can go away.
Imagine it for me now. How good does that feel?
See yourself…
Walking into a room with your shoulders back and head held high
Introducing yourself to any and everybody with an unshakeable sturdiness
Finally seeing and taking on opportunities in life
Knowing your self worth and value
Being the drive of your life instead of a passenger
Strong in mind and body
Believing in yourself and your abilities
The insecure story…
If you ask a group of 5 year olds who is a good singer, inevitably ALL of them will raise their hands. Think about that… all of them! Odds are, none of them can actually sing. But man are they confident!
Ask that same group 10 years later, and its likely that only 1 or 2 will raise their hands.
But why? Somewhere along the line they learned and taught themselves “I’m not good at this”
Maybe along the way you “dropped the ball” and let yourself and others down. But here’s what you didn’t know, EVERYONE DROPS THE BALL SOMETIMES!
Sound familiar?
As we go through life, we pick up negative opinions about ourselves. These are a result of…
Negative opinions from peers
Negative statements from loved ones and adults
Failures and mistakes
Deflating messaging from the media
Comparing to others
In most of my clients I see, there is a voice that lives in them. This voice is (forgive my speech)… a lying @$$hole!
But what if that voice didn’t exist? What if we gave it new programing, new knowledge, upgraded strategies?!
Imagine the change in your life when that part of you, that voice, is on your side!
At some point in your journey, the negative self talk was created. Maybe at 7 or 8 years old. Maybe a little after. From that point on, you have been living with an enemy. An enemy of the mind, and in the mind.
The most destructive problem with this voice, is that it just grows and grows. Thats right, it feeds on itself and gets stronger greatly detracting from the enjoyment of your life!
What if you could talk to this part of you? Understand it, nurture and sooth it, or just kick his ass out the door all together?!
While working with clients, I have helped thousands step into who they are.
They have left the BS stories behind, and finally embraced who and what they are. When this happens, the magic of life ensues!
More money
Career evolution
New opportunities
More connections
New romance
Feelings of personal satisfaction
More energy
Better sleep
Act now if you are just tired of that old BS Story!
Your mind can act on your behalf
Hypnosis is great for inserting a clear mind and positive thinking. This leads to an overall raising of your energy and vibration.
I’ve had clients go from 100 LBS overweight and addicted, to lean mean and a thriving new business.
A bonus to increased confidence is the insertion of habits and activities that actually feed your confidence.
Instead of shying away from that promotion, steps are taken to achieve. CONFIDENCE GROWS.
Instead of shying away from that special someone that sparks your interest, walking right up and saying “hi” in the surest way anyone could. CONFIDENCE AND LIFE IMPROVES!
This momentum builds easily, and QUICKLY.
Want to feel confident anytime, anywhere, any place?
Well then you may be interested in my self Hypnosis strategies.
Thats right, learn how to hypnotize yourself, as much as you like, and just own your thoughts and emotions!
Its fast, its easy, and damn is it fun!
“You must expect great things of yourself before you can do them”
- Michael Jordan
My name is Ricardo. Not too long ago I was speaking with Brad about some insecurities I had. Primarily, I was insecure about my current job and I was allowing peoples opinions of me to dictate how I felt about myself. I was very much concerned about what others thought of me.
We discussed hypnotherapy and agreed to three sessions.
It’s hard to describe exactly what happened after that first session, but it was nothing short of amazing. I felt like I was a little kid. Just thrilled. Something was different in an amazing way. Like a switch had been flipped. I felt lighter and freer almost instantly.
Over the next couple of days I started to see more changes. I started thinking differently about the issues I had been struggling with in the past. Quickly these issues beacame less and less important to where they are now nonexistent.
Brad was absolutely incredible during the process. Walked me through/told me what to expect every step of the way as well as followed up with me after each session.
An absolutely amazing/life changing experience!
I believe your thoughts are a habituated pattern
All we have to do is interrupt that old pattern a few times and help you install the new confident feelings.
There’s nothing wrong with you. Anyone who could have lived through all your life experiences as you have up until now would likely be feeling and behaving the same way as you. Think of it like the “virus” on a computer. Through hypnosis, you can remove that unwanted “programming”and install more satisfying habits and behaviors.