Sleep Issues
Finally get all your winks!
Imagine waking up feeling fresh and refreshed every night!
Here’s how you will sleep deeply, a customized process to fit your needs!
Access those parts of your mind keeping you from sleeping deeply
Self Hypnosis strategies for putting yourself into a restful and relaxed state
Tips and strategies for falling back asleep if you wake up in the middle of the night
Discover the thought patterns that are keeping your mind running, and quiet them ESPECIALLY AT NIGHT
Train your mind and body to work in your favor to get you to feel good enough to sleep (.Ie. leave behind the worry)
Anchor positive emotions to bed time leading to contentment
Why can’t you sleep?
Because the mind is active. It is a problem solver. When all is said and done with the day, all you may be left with is THE MIND.
Sound familiar?
My clients learn how to shut there brain off as soon as it hits the pillow!
Because the truth is, the worry doesnt keep you safe! It doesnt help!
Give the mind the proper direction to help you succeed.
Program your mind to understand that worry and overthinking actually lead to negativity
Get that part of you back on your side!
We will also discuss the practical strategies for ensuring higher quality sleep.
Get more exercise
Create a routine
Set an alarm and stick to it
Determine your specific hours of preferred sleep, and then OWN IT.
Sleep is the most natural function of the body. Along the way, you forgot.
Hypnosis easily allows it to remember
When we learn from the past, we are better equipped for the future! And then we can sleep deeply!
Imagine falling asleep within minutes of hitting your pillow! Waking up refreshed, light, with all the energy you need to tackle your day.
Imagine that life now!