Hypnotherapy For Smoking Cessation How It Works And What To Expect

According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 13 out of every 100 U.S. adults above the age of 18 smoke cigarettes. 


In 2023 there is no mystery to the damage that can come from smoking.  Clients looking to utilize stop Smoking hypnotherapy sessions are all aware of the multiple of ways they are hurting and destroying their bodies due to tobacco addiction.  Smoking leads to harm, causes disease, and does damage to nearly every organ of the body.

While smoking rates have dropped drastically in the U.S. during the past decade, there are still those who are struggling to leave behind this troublesome addiction.

As a hypnotist who relieves clients of this burden by utilizing stop smoking hypnotherapy treatments, I understand just how difficult and painful the crutch of being addicted too cigarettes can be for those attempting to quit.

I also understand that there is a way out of this painful and harmful affliction.  Most attempting to quit smoking on their own quickly learn that quitting is no easy task.  In fact, most clients who come to my office to utilize stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions have attempted to quit multiple times in their lives, to no avail.

In order to stop smoking hypnotherapy is and will remain the number one solution for leaving this destructive behavior behind.  Stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions utilizes the ability to speak too and change the mind at the subconscious level allowing for immediate shifts in behaviors, thoughts, and habits.  

When habits are shifted at the subconscious level, no longer will there be a desire to reach for that old familiar crutch.  When beliefs are shifted around the sense of self no longer will clients utilizing stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions want to harm or destroy their bodies and lives.

In the following text I will lay out easily how and why hypnotherapy remains the number one treatments solution for smoking cessation.  I will also share the journey each client utilizing stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions undergoes on their path to a new life.  A life free of harmful actions and painful addictions.

Where It Begins

Clients looking to utilize the power of stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions all share a familiar tale.  As in, their journey with cigarettes and other tobacco related products and addictions typically begin in the same manner.  The origin stories are always alike.

Typically, clients utilizing stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions begin their smoking and tobacco journeys between the ages of 12 and 16.  During this fragile time of life, the child seeks to obtain his/her emotional connections from the outside world.  In other word, this is the time when the child stops looking to their parents for esteem, self satisfaction, and worth, and start obtaining their emotional requirements from their peer group.  Parents cease to be the “god-like” beings that provide their children with every emotional need they require as the child essentially leaves the home and attempts to play the “social game” for the first time.

This can be a daunting task to say the least.  Due to the fact that this is the first time the child is branching out in the world in an attempt to satisfy needs and fit in, often there is stress and mistakes.  As we know, the first time we try to do anything we will fall down.

Also, since all the people they are attempting to fit in with emotionally are also doing it for the first time, the road to connection can be bumpy and long.  Teasing, bullying, ganging up, and drama are the result of this high stakes, high stress game.

Adolescents embarking on this social journey essentially flock to the habit of cigarettes for a couple reasons. 

Firstly, the act of smoking allows the youngster to simply look cool.  Teenagers are all attempting to appear confident and strong with an air of being “above it all.”  In the eyes of the child smoking allows them to appear as though they are tough, cool, and have an edge.  They believe that appearing this way will make them more appealing to their peers.

Furthermore, clients seeking stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions all report embracing the habit of smoking simply because their friends were doing it as well.  As in, the act of smoking was a behavior their peer groups shared.  The act of smoking became a bonding mechanism.

As a result, often times clients utilizing stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions often associate smoking with emotional ties such as excitement, connection, bonding, and fun.  When the act of smoking cigarettes is tied to positive emotions and their associated memories the task of quitting can be quite daunting. 

Smokers Love Themselves

Clients seeking stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions often arrive for consultations down trotted and self deprecating.  They express how they believe they smoke because they are weak or that they must not like themselves.  They believe that their reason for smoking is that they are inherently flawed as a human being. 

Quickly I inform clients seeking stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions that the reason they smoke is because they love themselves.  

The reason people smoke is that they just want to feel good.  In the short term smoking is a good idea.  Smoking provides a stress relief, a break, allows those who smoke to take in deep breathes leading to a better mood.  

However, we realize that while the short term benefits exists the repercussions of long term smoking are disastrous. 


As we have learned the smoking journey for most clients seeking stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions begins in adolescents as a means to look “cool” and to fit in.  As the smoker progresses in their life the what was once a mechanism for fitting in becomes a habit that is used as a means to deal with life. 

Clients seeking stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions often report smoking throughout the day during any and every situation.  Furthermore, smoking cigarettes for those seeking stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions are often tied to recurring events in their lives.

Smokers light up when they are having their first coffee of the day.  That drive to work is often filled with a cigarette.  Breaks at work are excuses to smoke, and so is that drive home.

Once the action of smoking is repeated enough times smokers simply find themselves engaged in a deadly habit that can be very difficult to break.  The reason being is that these moments that usually call for cigarettes happen 10 to 20 times a day.  Smokers may be able to “skip” that cigarette on the way to work, however just a few minutes later they are triggered due to the habitual event.  For those seeking stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions, smoking is simply as common as breathing.

The Conscious Mind

The Centers For Disease Control And Prevention suggest that smokers attempt to quit 8 to 11 times before quitting permanently.  Wow!


This low succession rate is due to the fact that smokers are attempting to quit using the conscious mind.  

Have you ever started a new workout and diet regimen?  The first week you were pumped!  The second week wasn’t as fun but you may have made it through.  Eventually by the third week you may have run out of juice and simply went back to your old habitual ways.

The conscious mind is only responsible for 5% of our daily brain activity.  The conscious mind is responsible for short term memory, rational thinking, analytical thinking (figuring something out), and willpower.  

The reason being those seeking stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions have failed so many times in the past is they are attempting to break a habit using willpower. 

The problem with attempting to use willpower to quit any habit is willpower runs out.  Willpower is only meant to get you through difficult short-term moments.  Willpower carries us through the last half hour of the boring seminar, or even pushes us through the last set of our workout.  

Attempting to quit smoking using willpower eventually fails because that willpower mechanism runs out.  Some can quit smoking for an hour, a day, or maybe even a month to a year.  However, if the habit is not addressed at the subconscious level then the deadly habit of smoking remains.

The Subconscious Mind

The reason those seeking stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions experience success and are able to leave the terrible and deadly habit behind is because hypnosis works directly with the subconscious mind.

The second part of the mind, the subconscious, is who and what we are.  The subconscious holds are identity, our beliefs, our personalities, emotions, long term memories, and habits.

Consciously smokers can say “I hate cigarettes and I don’t want to smoke anymore” and then light up in the next instant.  This is because the habit has been formed in the subconscious mind.

Stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions are so effective because they allow the hypnotist and the client to work and upgrade thinking and habits at the subconscious level.  When the subconscious mind is provided the necessary upgrades, those seeking stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions can replace the old with the new, the dark with the light, and the limited with the truly empowered unlimited.

The Critical Factor

Located between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind is whats know as the critical factor.  Hypnosis is easily defined by the U.S. Government as the bypass of the critical factor.

The critical factor can be viewed as the guardian at the gate.  The bouncer at the night club if you will.

The critical factor protects our identity as it guards against any new information trying to enter into the subconscious mind.  The critical factor is necessary and plays a rather important role, a role that keeps us sturdy and stable.

If the critical factor was not present our identity and personalities would be shifting constantly.  Without our critical factor beliefs would constantly change leading to hap hazard existences.

Imagine believing in Catholicism on Monday then being a buddhist on Tuesday.  What would your life be like if you wanted to be a lawyer today and an orthodontist tomorrow.  Without the critical factor protecting our identity, beliefs, and habits in the subconscious mind our lives would simply be chaos. 

While the critical factor is needed and necessary to provide us with sturdiness, the problem with its presence arises when negative beliefs, habits, and emotional responses are stored in the subconscious, and thus protected by the critical factor.

Creating new habits using the conscious mind often will not stick as the critical factor provides and guards against any new information.  Confidence is difficult to obtain when the subconscious holds the belief “I am not good enough”.  

The Nicotine Lie

As a hypnotist who provides stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions I understand that quitting smoking has zero to do with nicotine.  While nicotine is an addictive substance that is added to cigarettes, once the smoker has gone 24 to 48 hours without a cigarette nicotine has completely been flushed out of their system.  There will be nicotine cravings during those 48 hours, however willpower can easily allow clients to push through those moments leaving their body free of nicotine in just a few days.

As we have learned, the urge to smoke lies in the habitual affect of the subconscious mind.  Which is why most smokers rarely wait until a nicotine craving to kick in before having a cigarette. 

Nicotine has nothing to do with smoking addiction, and everything to do with the subconscious habits and the critical factor that protects them.

Hypnosis & Inductions

Stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions are the most effective means to quit smoking for one simple reason, the use of hypnosis and hypnotic inductions. 

As mentioned, the U.S. Government defines hypnosis as the bypass of the critical factor.  Meaning, during the stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions the hypnotist uses what is known as “inductions” that simply remove the critical factor from the equation.  

Once the critical factor is removed and “out to lunch”, the hypnotist then inserts what is known as “the establishment of selective and appropriate thinking”.  Meaning, the hypnotist then uses his voice and words to provide the client with everything they are looking for in order to create change.  Once the new beliefs, habits, and emotions are inserted at the subconscious level the client seeking stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions is provided with immediate relief from this nagging and persistent habit.

Hypnotic inductions are not only safe, but they are a very pleasant experience for the client.  These hypnotic inductions can last anywhere from one to five minutes as the client is simply asked to follow a series of steps enabling pleasant feelings combined with the removal of the critical factor.

This state is often referred to as “trance”.  Clients often report a sense of ease and lightness, a soothing tingle in their body, and often exclaim “that is the best I’ve felt in years”.

For more information regarding the conscious, subconscious, and critical factor, and to find out more about the hypnotic process please watch this brief video below:

The Process


Before the client seeking stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions ever receives their first removal of the critical factor moving them into a trance state, they undergo an important consultation process.

The consultation is when the client will sit with the hypnotist to discuss important factors related to the smoking habit.  

Information is retrieved by the hypnotist, such as when the smoking first took place, what was happening in their life at the time the habit was picked up, and how does the client using stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions abuse cigarettes today.

Furthermore, the hypnotist is able to find out if the client has any underlying issues that may be contributing to the smoking habit, such as anxiety or a low sense of self worth.

Once the necessary information is collected the hypnotist will have a clear path and blueprint for treatment allowing for greater success during the stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions.

Consultations usually last anywhere between 30 minutes to a half an hour, and are either done in person, on the phone, or over a zoom session.

Number Of Sessions

While clients are all unique and their level of treatment can vary, most seeking stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions are usually recommended to engage in three to six sessions, depending on the severity of the habit. 

If a client has smoked two packs a day for forty years, it’s safe to say that the level of hypnosis required to leave the habit behind is greater than someone who occasionally has a cigarette with friends.

Hypnotherapy is an amazing tool for shifting habits, emotions, and beliefs.  There are many tools in the hypnotists tool belt for allowing those seeking stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions behind, meaning that multiple sessions allows for the hypnotist to attack the smoking habit by using a multitude of techniques.  

Sessions can last anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours depending on the nature of the treatment. 

What To Expect

Those utilizing stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions all respond at their own pace.  As a hypnotist I have helped numerous amounts of clients leave the habit behind.  

Some clients are able to completely leave the habit behind after one session, and others say goodbye after the 4th or 5th.  

Hypnosis can be looked at like a boxing match.  The first session knocks the opponent down and dazes him, however he gets back up.  The second provides a body blow that drastically reduces the energy and force of the opponent.  Further hypnosis sessions eventually knock the fighter down and a TKO is the result.

While everybody responds at their own rate, one thing is for sure, stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions are the clients number one option for upgrading and creating a new, healthier life.

Belief Upgrade

If you believe you are a good person, you will get offended if someone calls you an @sshole.  If you believe you are meant to be successful, you of course will advance your business and take educated risks. 

Transversely, if you believe you are stupid you will find yourself avoiding opportunities.  If you believe you are unattractive and unworthy of love you will likely shy away from meeting new romantic partners.

As a Hypnotis I believe that our entire lives are the result of our belief systems.

There is no more detrimental and damaging belief to a smoker than the belief:

“I am a smoker”.

If the client looking to utilize stop smoking hypnotherapy believes they are a smoker any attempt to quit will be futile.

As a hypnotist I explain to the client before stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions that they are not “a smoker”, but someone who simply learned a habit as a means for dealing with life.  The best part about learning a behavior and a belief is that it can be “unlearned” just as easy.

Once the belief “I am a smoker” is shifted into something more realistic hypnosis can easily allow for the client to see themselves in an entire new way leaving the deadly habit behind.

Parts Therapy

As a hypnotist that heals clients at the subconscious level, I understand that their are many parts to us and our personality.  

There is the part that wants to be lazy and the part that wants to workout.  There is the part that wants a romantic partner and the part that wants to be single.

When working with clients during stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions I speak directly to that part of them that wants the client to simply feel good.  That part that is causing them to reach for the cigarette. 

You see, this part of them is simply a friend.  However it is a misguided friend.  This part that wants the client to simply feel good is simply uninformed.  During stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions I can provide the client and that “part” with the necessary upgrades and recipes for feeling good that no longer involve actions that are detrimental to the clients health and well being.

Once that part is educated, informed, and upgraded the misguided friend no longer operates from a place of ignorance and now seeks to soothe the client using appropriate actions leading to a healthier existence.  A smoke free existence.

Regression & Memory Decoding

Often times those seeking stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions can easily recall the first time they started smoking.  Often these memories are looked at with fondness. 

“Me and my buddies bought a pack during our camping trip and had the best time together”.

“I was with my older cousin at the ball game and he shared one of his cigarettes with me”.

When these memories are looked at with fondness, they can create emotional attachments to the act of smoking.  In other words, smoking can create feelings of love, connection, and remind the client over and over of “better days”. 

As a hypnotist, one of the techniques afforded is the simple act of memory decoding.  While in hypnosis, clients are able to go back to the memory and simply view them from the place of a wise adult. 

They are able to learn that the fun at the camping trip had nothing to do with cigarettes and everything to do with bonding with friends.

They can easily see that spending quality time with family at the game was the true pleasure and had little or nothing to do with smoking. 

Furthermore, during hypnosis the client is able to regress back to moments in their life when smoking was first used to deal with and manage their life.  While in hypnosis the client is able to relieve moments of the past and learn that cigarettes and smoking had nothing to do with making it along their journey. 

When the client is able to essentially relive pertinent moments of their life smoke free, the future result is a smoke free existence.


Smoking cigarettes can be a difficult habit to break, especially for those attempting to quit on their own.  By attempting to quit using the conscious mind often times smokers are left deflated and stuck.  Sooner or later they are eventually guided back to their old destructive ways.

By utilizing the power of hypnosis and removing the critical factor, those looking to utilize stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions are able to completely upgrade and create new habits.  Habits that not only benefit them in the short term, but long term as well.

If you are struggling with a smoking addiction, I am here to say there is relief.  If you would like to contact me personally, please do so by clicking the link below:


I will say, wether its me or another hypnotist in your area, I highly recommend stop smoking hypnotherapy sessions to create a new and healthier happier life.

-Brad Plotkin




The Power Of Hypnosis To Break The Smoking Habit


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