Hypnotherapy for anxiety and depression: A holistic approach
As a practitioner of hypnosis I work with many clients who are seeking hypnotherapy for anxiety relief. Furthermore, many of these same clients are depressed as well.
According to the hope for depression research foundation, almost 18 million people annually struggle with the grips of depression:
Can anxiety lead to depression? Absolutely. Often times they go together like peanut butter and jelly.
When clients come to me seeking hypnotherapy services for anxiety relief, I inform them that due to their anxiety many of their needs are not being met. Those needs vary from client to client, however some typical examples may be the need for connection, safety, or adventure and personal growth.
In short, the anxiety my clients experience leads to a lack of their personal needs being meet, after too long the frustrations accumulate leading to a depressive state.
Hypnotherapy is an incredible solution for ridding those who suffer from anxiety and depression. By utilizing the healing powers, hypnotherapy for anxiety treatments can instantly teach the subconscious that it is safe and strong. When the subconscious mind can upgrade beliefs and learn new modes of being and behaving, the anxiety can safely be removed.
When anxiety is no longer present, those who were struggling and shying away are now able to stretch their wings fully, leading to a much mores satisfying existence. An existence free of depression.
The Root Causes Of Anxiety
It is of number one importance when clients arrive in my office looking to utilize hypnotherapy for anxiety relief to determine when the anxiety started in their lives.
What everyone must know is that they were not born anxious, anxious behaviors were picked up and “learned” along the way.
Often times, anxieties are given to us from our parents or caregivers. In a sense, the anxieties we hold onto may not even be ours at all.
Anxieties can also be the result of a traumatic experience. A clear example may be getting beat up or bullied on the schoolyard causes extreme social anxiety amongst peers.
Negative beliefs about oneself can also be a root cause of anxiety. Feeling small and undervalued may cause that fight or flight response system to be on high alert in even the most mundane and typical of life’s moments.
Hypnotherapy for anxiety relief is incredibly powerful and effective once the root cause is determined, as clients are able to not only “go back” to their past and learn leading to healing, but also shift within minutes those beliefs that are causing the traumatic responses in their bodies.
Anxiety Leads To Depression - A Typical Scenario
There are many needs we have as human beings. A lot of those are primal and instinctual, such as the need for food and shelter. Once those needs are met, we move on to secondary needs such as the need for personal growth as well as connection.
We all crave connection and experiences with our fellow humans. On some level or another, even the most introverted of us need a bond with friends at times.
Some of us need to be social and connect with others on a much higher scale. Those that enjoy meeting new people and sharing their time with others are known as extroverts.
When clients are experiencing anxiety and depression and come to my office seeking hypnotherapy for anxiety relief, many are experiencing high amounts of social anxiety.
These depressed and anxious clients are extroverts at their core, however the anxiety they experience causes them to not only feel miserable while being social, but to isolate.
In other words, at their core they require connection with others, however the anxiety keeps them from experiencing that, leading to high amounts of depression.
When are basic and fundamental needs are not met for an extended period of time, we suffer.
What Depression Actually Is Telling Us
When clients come to me seeking hypnotherapy for anxiety relief, what ensues mostly is an education. I learn from them, and then provide my own instruction and wisdom about why they are experiencing high amounts of negative emotions.
I inform those seeking hypnotherapy for anxiety relief that their depression is the result of a need (or needs) not being satisfied, leading to frustration. When the unmet need turning to frustration cycle happens for to0 long, the body goes into shut down mode. AKA Depression.
In a sense the body is telling us “before we have a break down or manic episode, let’s slow down and regroup before we try again”.
Depression is not a mystery, and is not inherently bad (even though we treat it as such). It is simply a symptom that an area in your life (or many areas) aren’t working, and that a regroup is in order.
One can find it helpful when experiencing depression to look at it like a cake they are baking. If the cake comes out and it tastes awful, one would naturally look to the ingredients to find the solution.
Did I forget the sugar? Too much sugar? Not enough eggs or salt?
Depression can be looked at as that nasty tasting cake. Somewhere in there along the baking process, something went wrong. In order to produce a better tasting cake, the recipe must be analyzed and adjusted with precision.
Most experience depression because they keep using the same ingredients over and over, expecting a different result. However each and every time they take a bite they would rather spit it out.
Belief Systems
As a hypnotist and someone show provides hypnotherapy for anxiety relief to those clients who are suffering, I understand the importance of belief systems in our lives.
Our belief systems guide us in everything we do. They either cause us to feel good and take us toward health and empowerment, or cause us fear and anxieties.
If we believe we are smart, we will surely study hard or seek out that promotion.
Believe we are stupid and incompetent, and a lifetime of shying away and simply not trying will be the result.
Believe we have value and something to offer the opposite sex, then meeting people and connecting will be easy and enjoyable.
If we believe we are unlovable and unattractive, and a lifetime of loneliness ensues.
For those seeking hypnotherapy for anxiety relief, many are experiencing negative beliefs about themselves or the world leading to anxiety. Such common beliefs are:
“People will get mad at me”
“People think I am unattractive”
“I am unlovable”
“I cant handle myself properly”
“I don’t know anything”
Hypnotherapy can instantly allow clients to shift negative beliefs, by speaking directly to the subconscious mind.
The subconscious mind holds and stores our identity. It is the center of who and what we are. The subconscious holds your emotional responses, habits, behaviors, thought patterns, and beliefs.
By speaking directly to the subconscious mind, those seeking hypnotherapy for anxiety relief find instantaneous ease as a new and brighter belief can be formed. These new and truer beliefs can cause clients to not only say goodbye to anxiety, but to leave behind depression as well.
It can go without saying that our fears can make us anxious. Hypnotherapy for anxiety relief is effective and not only saying goodbye to negative beliefs, but also giving our fear system some much needed guidance
Whats interesting about fear is that we need it. Fear is the main reason why we have evolved and have so much in our modern world. Fear kept us from being eaten by saber tooth tigers, and is the reason we invented seat belts.
While we need fear to survive, most of us experience fear on an irrational level, leading to high amounts of anxiety and thus, depression.
Hypnotherapy allows the client too easily turn down that fear response that has simply gotten out of hand.
The subconscious minds main function is to protect us, first and foremost. The subconscious does not care about your happiness. It is concerned about one thing and one thing only, your survival.
That being said, when treating clients utilizing hypnotherapy for anxiety relief, I am able to speak directly to that part of the client that is overly concerned with fear.
By providing my clients fear center with the proper guidance and instruction, fear based responses can be toned down and properly calibrated to normal life.
When this happens, clients are able to experience far less anxiety and able to not only enjoy their life, but to be free of depression moving forward allowing for a much healthier life experience.
For more information about how hypnosis effects the subconscious mine, please visit this link here:
As someone who sees many clients providing hypnotherapy for anxiety relief, I see first hand how anxiety can lead to depression. Too much anxiety leading to needs being unmet causes the body to shut down as a protective response. That shut down is a protective mechanism known as depression.
By utilizing the healing powers of hypnotherapy for anxiety relief, the client is able to shift beliefs leading to a much more enlightened experience, free of anxiety and depression. These changes occur because hypnotherapy allows the client to speak directly to their powerful subconscious mind. By giving the subconscious the proper strategies and upgrades for empowerment anxiety and depression are removed instantly.
For further insights as to where your anxiety may be coming from, please watch this link here:
If you are looking for the fastest way out of anxiety and depression, please visit BradPlotkin.Com or click the link below to schedule a call with me:
From there we can discuss your stressors, fears, and anxieties and begin the path to letting them go, together.
Thank you for reading, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Until next time, feel well.
Brad Plotkin