Hypnotherapy for weight loss: How it works and what to expect
Obesity in our country has become a rising issue in the past twenty years (or more).
According to the National Institute Of Health, nearly 1 in 3 Americans are overweight:
There are many options for those seeking help with weight loss. Personal trainers, physicians, even psychologists can all offer guidance to someone who is struggling to either maintain their weight or to lose weight to ensure a longer and healthier life.
As a hypnotist, it is my opinion (naturally) that hypnotherapy for weight loss is by far the most benefits strategy someone can choose allowing them to break through any fat loss hurdles.
As someone who provides hypnotherapy for weight loss improvement, I have seen many clients over the years who have transformed their body and life in mere minutes.
There are many misconceptions about hypnosis and what the hypnotic process entails. Most coming to my office looking for hypnotherapy for weight loss assistance do not know what to expect which leads them towards apprehension and even nervousness.
In the following text I am going to explain the hypnotherapy for weight loss process. I will outline how and why it is so effective, while at the same time debunking myths regarding hypnosis. Hypnotherapy for weight loss is an extremely pleasurable and efficient treatment strategy for weight loss. Most importantly, it’s a safe one. I hope this article provides clarity not only about the hypnotic process, but how you can use it to induce change in your own life in any area, including weight loss.
Enjoy :).
What Is Hypnosis
Clients looking to receive hypnotherapy for weight loss assistance quickly learn that hypnosis is a safe and natural process. Before the first session begins, the client is educated on what hypnosis is, and what it is not.
Hollywood has done a terrible job when it comes to represented what the hypnotic process actually entails. Most films depict people being under hypnosis while being out of control. As in, the way hypnosis is presented entails people being in a trance while others dictate and manipulate them and their life.
Clients seeking hypnotherapy for weight loss quickly learn that this couldn’t be further from the truth.
Hypnosis is not mind control. Hypnosis cannot get someone to act or behave against their will. Furthermore, hypnosis is not a state of being out of focus, but rather in a state of heightened focus.
The hypnotic state, often referred to as trance, is a state of hyper focus increasing the clients level of suggestibility. Hypnotists understand that people go in and out of hypnosis (trance) throughout each day, multiple times a day as hypnosis is a natural state.
In order to induce hypnosis, hypnotists use what are known as inductions, which simply are a series of steps the client can easily follow enhancing concentration, leading to focus, and inducing the peaceful trance state.
Clients seeking hypnotherapy for weight loss as well as clients who are looking to remedy any current issues they may be experiencing who go into trance, are pleasantly surprised to learn just how enjoyable they find this hypnotic natural state.
When clients find themselves in trance, this is when the hypnotist provides them with the changes in behaviors, beliefs, and mindsets that they require. Not only are the physical sensations during the hypnotic session enjoyable, but the gifts received verbally from the hypnotist are empowering and satisfying.
Furthermore, once in the trance state, the hypnotist is able to speak directly to the subconscious mind. Clients seeing hypnotherapy for weight loss receive extreme benefits and life changing alterations at the deepest levels of the mind allowing them to change patterns, thought processes, and behaviors in mere minutes.
For further explanation regarding the soothing process of hypnosis, please watch this video below:
The Process
Those seeking hypnotherapy for weight loss begin the process by scheduling a consultation. Typically, this consultation either takes place on the phone or in person. Clients seeking hypnotherapy for weight loss visit BradPlotkin.com in order to provide basic background information to the issue or issues they are experiencing.
You can find that link below:
During the consultation process, pertinent information is gathered and discovered enabling and ensuring the success of the hypnotic sessions. Information such as when the issue began, and what is driving it to continue.
Once all information is gathered together the client and I determined how many sessions are needed or required for full healing. As a hypnotist working with clients seeking hypnosis for weight loss, it is my obligation to recommend the number of sessions I deem appropriate and that will be beneficial for them.
I do however give my potential clients the freedom to choose how many sessions they would like to enjoy.
The first session with any client for me is the most fun of them all. Often clients come in excited with a hint of nervousness as they may not know what to expect. There may be underlying doubts about the process or themselves. The reason the first session for me is the most fun is because I show clients immediately just how easy it is to go into hypnosis.
Furthermore, once the session is completed they often report feelings of empowerment and euphoria, and emerge from the experience completely thrilled and often dumbfounded about what just took place.
It is really quite special to see, every time.
Sessions last anywhere between 30 minutes to 2 hours depending on the treatment modality for that day. All sessions are performed in a comfortable recliner while the soothing office setting provides warmth and security. The time between each session can vary, however typically clients come in for treatment on a weekly basis until no longer sessions are required.
Hypnosis Treatments
There are many treatment “modalities” that a hypnotist can provide their clients seeking hypnotherapy for weight loss. The multitude of treatment options that the hypnotist has in his or her tool belt is another reason why hypnotherapy for weight loss is so effective.
Regression work consists of taking clients “back” to the first time they can ever remember experiencing the problem or problems they are having. For example, someone seeking hypnotherapy for weight loss may have become obsessed or even addicting to food. The Hypnotist will then guide them towards their past to the first time they can remember being consumed with consumption.
When the client can go back from the place of a wise adult, they can essentially provide themselves with the wisdom, knowledge, and knowings that the younger version of themselves simply did not have. As in, the younger more impressionable version of themselves that did not have access to the proper recources at the time the problem arisen, is given the opportunity to heal and grow.
Once that younger version matures, no longer is the client seeking hypnotherapy for weight loss addicted to food. They are essentially free to explore new avenues for coping and handling the problems inherent to life.
Memory Decoding
Memories residing deep in the subconscious can often act as recipes for addictions, behavioral problems, and negative beliefs.
A client seeking hypnotherapy for weight loss is likely to have positive memories associated with food and eating. Possibly their best memory of childhood is eating with their family on Christmas Eve. Or even, the way they bonded with their father was eating and watching sporting events. Somewhere along the way, the client seeking hypnotherapy for weight loss accumulated these memories that attached emotions to eating food. In other words, food equals love, connection, and innocence.
Through hypnosis, clients are able to go into these memories and change the attributes. They are not required to remove them, yet simply change some of the details within the memory to create a different result.
These memories can act like recipes for a dessert. If one was too bake a cake, and replace sugar with salt, the end product would be completely different. Our memories behave in the same way.
By simply altering some of the characteristics of the memory, what were left with in the end is something completely different. Now food doesn’t equal love, spending time with those you care about equals love. Bonding with dad had nothing to do with food, and everything with simply being together.
Hypnotic Patter & Suggestions
Hypnotists are trained in the fine art of verbal persuasion. Meaning, years of training allows hypnotists to deliver messages and suggestions that the client can absorb and receive deep in the subconscious to allow for change. Clients seeking hypnotherapy for weight loss can benefit from these suggestions leading them towards a greater sense of self.
Hypnotists are masters at crafting powerful suggestions leading to motivation as well.
“The more you workout the more you become excited about your future”
“Because you have been able to accomplish XYZ, you are now easily and effortlessly about to create new habits and shift your life in any direction you so choose”.
“The more you look at that voice that has been telling you how to feel, telling you how to act, the hazier it becomes. It becomes weaker, quieter, until eventually it’s gone, and it’s replaced by your knowing and understanding a reaffirmation of who you are in this world, strong, confident, and healthy!”
When these suggestions become firmly embedded beliefs deep in the subconscious change exists for those clients seeking hypnotherapy for weight loss or any issues they are looking to rectify and upgrade.
Hypnotherapy for weight loss is not only effective, but a rather enjoyable experience. From start to finish the client is nurtured, educated, then taken on a journey of healing that creates deep and permanent change from within.
Wether it be changing the way they view themselves, altering memories, or simply providing clients with new uplifting beliefs, hypnotherapy for weight loss provides benefits and changes that are not found elsewhere.
If you are looking to lose weight, or to gain improvement in any and every area of your life, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
You can also easily schedule a time to speak with me by clicking the link below and following the simple instructions.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Until then, feel well.